Whatsapp keeps on releasing new updates for its users. Recently, Whatsapp has added the Pin-Chat feature to its users. In which you can pin any three people to the top. At the same time, on WhatsApp, you can send the invitation to your contact with the help of group invite link. For this, you need to download the latest Whatsapp version.
create a What's Hot Group Invite Link
Step 1: First of all, you download the latest version of WhatsApp.
Step 2: After downloading the latest version of Whatsapp, open WhatsApp and click on the name of the group.
Step 3: After that, you will see an Add Participant option.
Step 4: After you see the Add Participant option, you have to click on it.
Step 5: After which it will take you along with your contact on a new page, here you will get the link through the Invite Group.
Step 6: Click on it and share the link with your friends.
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Learn how to create a SWAP group using GB WHATSAP
Step 1: First download and install the latest version of GB WHATSAP.
Step 2: Then delete your old Whatsapp.
Step 3: Now open the GB WHATSAPE and enter your mobile number. Wait a few minutes, so that Whatsapp can validate your number.
Step 4: Then you will get an option to back up the data. Select and click on it
Step 5: Then select the group for which you want to create an inverted link.
Step 6: Then click on the menu icon and go to Group Info and click next.
Step 7: Now tap on the + button.
Step 8: Then select the group via link option.
Step 9: Now the link is created, invite those you want to join in the group.
create a What's Hot Group Invite Link
Step 1: First of all, you download the latest version of WhatsApp.
Step 2: After downloading the latest version of Whatsapp, open WhatsApp and click on the name of the group.
Step 3: After that, you will see an Add Participant option.
Step 4: After you see the Add Participant option, you have to click on it.
Step 5: After which it will take you along with your contact on a new page, here you will get the link through the Invite Group.
Step 6: Click on it and share the link with your friends.
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Learn how to create a SWAP group using GB WHATSAP
Step 1: First download and install the latest version of GB WHATSAP.
Step 2: Then delete your old Whatsapp.
Step 3: Now open the GB WHATSAPE and enter your mobile number. Wait a few minutes, so that Whatsapp can validate your number.
Step 4: Then you will get an option to back up the data. Select and click on it
Step 5: Then select the group for which you want to create an inverted link.
Step 6: Then click on the menu icon and go to Group Info and click next.
Step 7: Now tap on the + button.
Step 8: Then select the group via link option.
Step 9: Now the link is created, invite those you want to join in the group.
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