Electronic Definitions-Electronics is that the science of dominant voltage electrically, during which the electrons have an elementary role. physical science deals with electrical circuits that involve active electrical parts like vacuum tubes, transistors, diodes, integrated circuits, electronics, and sensors, associated passive electrical parts, and interconnection technologies. Commonly, electronic devices contain electronic equipment consisting primarily or solely of active semiconductors supplemented with passive elements; such a circuit is delineated as an electronic circuit.
Computer Definition according to Electronic & Computer Science
In Computer Science :"A Computer Is Electronic devices which perform the arithmetical and logical operation."
In Electronic "In Electronics is the branch of science where we study electricity control and flow Or Electronics study of electricity in semiconductors".
In Computer Electronics items are play the vital role. In Computer parts e.g-Mother Board, Mouse Keyboard, UPS, Processor Chip, Ram etc are made of these /use of electronics Items.
Some Computer Component where electronic items are used-
- SMPS==>Capacitor IC,Chip,Transformer,Resistor.
- Hard Disk==>IC ,Chip Resistor.
- Processor==> Chip.
- Mother Board==>IC,Chip,Jumper.
- Ram==>Chips
üSwitch: An electrical circuit, interrupting the current or diverting it from one conductor to another.
üTransformers: It is used to increase or decrease the alternating voltages in electric power applications
üDiodes: It allowing current to move through it in one direction with far greater ease than in the other
üTransistor: A control source in just about every modern circuit
ü IC: It function as an amplifier, oscillator, timer, counter, computer memory, or microprocessor
üConductor: It is a substance in which electrical charge carriers, usually electrons, move easily from atom to atom with the application of voltage
üResistor: It Control limits the flow of electrons through a circuit.
üCapacitor: It is a device that stores energy in an electric field, by accumulating an internal imbalance of electric charge
üJumper: An electrical connection between two pin headers. Commonly used to modify settings on a board or device
üChoke: An Choke used to block higher-frequency alternating current (AC) in an electrical circuit while passing lower-frequency or direct current (DC)
üTransformers: It is used to increase or decrease the alternating voltages in electric power applications
üDiodes: It allowing current to move through it in one direction with far greater ease than in the other
üTransistor: A control source in just about every modern circuit
ü IC: It function as an amplifier, oscillator, timer, counter, computer memory, or microprocessor
üConductor: It is a substance in which electrical charge carriers, usually electrons, move easily from atom to atom with the application of voltage
üResistor: It Control limits the flow of electrons through a circuit.
üCapacitor: It is a device that stores energy in an electric field, by accumulating an internal imbalance of electric charge
üJumper: An electrical connection between two pin headers. Commonly used to modify settings on a board or device
üChoke: An Choke used to block higher-frequency alternating current (AC) in an electrical circuit while passing lower-frequency or direct current (DC)
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