Modem setting to share Internet - teachcaltocomp


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Saturday 7 October 2017

Modem setting to share Internet


The web may be a worldwide system of connected networks. every network consists of numerous computers, servers, routers, and printers.
  Equipment required for Internet  connection
ü  RJ45 connector
ü  8 Core (4pair) twisted wire (cable)
ü  Crimping tool

 Step of Network

Ø  Add NIC into each PC
Ø  Connect the cable using Hub/switch or as needed
Ø  Fresh install windows into each PC
Ø  During install of windows now mind about
ü  This computer name must be unique into all PC
Ø  Install driver (LAN drivers must) [it will be better if all PCs will be in on position while installing LAN drivers.
Ø  After installation of LAN card we will get an extra shortcut on the desktop [Network Neighborhood]. If not exist means LANs driver is not properly installed. PC1
Ø  PC1 after getting Network Neighborhood right click on it. Find computer.
ü  if not found computerà If not windows networks setting are bad that why we fresh install O/S.
ü  if found repeat same on each PC.
Ø  after searching all commuter we cannot share data so for this we do some setting.
ü  Right click à properties
ü  Enables file share
ü  Enables printer share àokàrestart
ü  Repeat same procedure in each PC
Ø  Now we are able to see another PC list on any PC, but we can not access driver for this we driver setting
Ø  My Computer
ü  Right click on any drive which has the share 
ü  Share
ü  Share as comp_d
ü  Share type full/password/read onlyàok
ü  Repeat this for next driver
ü  Repeat in each PC
ü  Open Network Neighborhood
ü  List of all driver & workgroup

Networking step for Windows XP

Ø  Connect all PCS with “HUB” or “CrossWire”
Ø  Install Windows XP on each PC
Ø  Install LAN driver
Ø  Control panelà Networkàsetup home/small office network
q  Internet connection
q  ……………
q  ……………
q  Other select this option
Ø  Next
q  PC are connected with internet
q  With the parallel cable connection
q  With hub select this option
q  Download file [internet]
q  ……………………
q  Using XP CD
Ø  Restart
Ø  Now we get shortcut on My Network place (Network Neighborhood)
Ø  Now share driver
Ø  My computer
Ø  Sharing and security
Ø  May disturb your privacy
o   Full
o   Password
o   Read-only
Ø  Ok
  Note:  If we want to reconfigure sharing setting then we have to
             Disable sharing first.
Ø  Open My Network Placeàview workgroup
    "Also, do this in windows 2000 networking setting"


(Configuration of Network networking

Modem setting to share Internet)

Ø  Connect all PC together
Ø  Install windows 98
Ø  Install LAN driver (All PCs)
Ø  Drive sharing, file, and printer sharing is not essential
Ø  Serverà Control PanelsàAdd/Remove ProgramàWindow setup àEnable internet Toolsàinternet connection sharing àApply àRestart
Ø  Node /Client àproperties
Ø  Connectionà setup
o   ……………..
o   ……………………
o   I want to set up internet connection manually or want to connect through a local area network
Ø  Next
o                     ………………
o                     I connect through LAN
Ø  Next
Ø  Do you want to set up an internet mail account now
Ø  No
Ø  Next
Ø  Finish

                                      PRINTING SHARING

Ø  Add printer
Ø  Next
Ø  Local printer
Ø  Port àLPT1
Ø  Next
Ø  Printer name
Ø  Next
o   O/S
o   Share as àcomp2_hpj23
For Internet, we must have following
ü  PC
ü  Modem/VSAT
ü  Internet connection
o   User Id
o   Password ISP Tel no
o   Telephone connection

How to configure  Internet Connection

è  Sever [Internet shared]
è  Connect telephone line with modem
è  Accessories--> communication
è  Dialup network --> new connection 
Area code:…………………
Tele no:        …………………
India code:…………………
() Tone   () fused
Area Code:            …………………
ISP Telephone:      …………………
Country:                …………………
                           Open/Click My Connection
  Modem Type DLINK
User Name
                [] Save password
Phone number
Dialing from
               Dialing If connect and verified username & password

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